Samsung had launched number of Galaxy S series Android phones like Samsung S8500 Wave, Samsung M110S, Samsung S5530 and more in different markets of the world. Samsung Vibrant of the Galaxy S series phone was announced few days back for U.S users by T-Mobile’s phone. Samsung Vibrant is official on T-Mobile, coming July 21 for $200. T-mobile is now officially launches Samsung Vibrant Android phone for U.S mobile users. Samsung Vibrant comes with 5 megapixel camera, 4 inch Super AMOLED Touchscreen and having Android OS along with 1 GHz Hummingbird processor. T-Mobile phone announced two years contact for $200 from July 21, 2010 for U.S customers. Vibrant Samsung galaxy S series phone preorders will be taken by T-Mobile for $50 for 1st of July 2010. In addition Avatar motion picture will be pre installed on a 2GB microSD card. Apparently, t-Mobile will offer lots of bonus and addition free installed apps with the Samsung Vibrant phone for U.S customers
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