Other than the Galaxy S 4G, T-Mobile also announced more details of the LG G-Slate 4G tablet device with Android 3.0 Honeycomb. The device supports T-Mobile’s HSPA+ network and WiFi connectivity. It is powered by NVIDIA’s Tegra dual-core 1GHz processor and comes with 32GB internal memory. The G-Slate runs Google’s latest Android 3.0 Honeycomb OS optimized for tablet and includes support for Adobe Flash Player 10.1. It features built-in support for 3D graphics and has dual rear-facing 5 Megapixel cameras for 3D image capture, 3D video recording and 1080p Full HD video recording. There is also a front facing camera for video chat, a 8.9-inch touchscreen display and HDMI output. Built-in gyroscope, accelerometer and adaptive lighting are also included for the latest applications and the ultimate gaming experience.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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